F# Zippers
One of the coolest things about working with F# (and other ML languages) is the incredibly elegant way that mathematics intersects with programming, to inform powerful tools for our toolbox. Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) are the source of a large amount of this mathematical invention. Recently, I’ve been exploring the algebra and calculus of types and what happens when you take the derivative of a type.
Zippers are a type pattern which provide a functional way to interact with and transform data structures: linked lists, binary trees, rose trees, etc. The Zipper is a type with a set of functions that create a cursor which moved through a data structure, much like you move through your computers file directory tree, and can be used to modify the data structure. They’re also a really cool demonstration of the intersection between programming and higher math, in this case: derivatives.
In this blog post, I will explain both the mechanics of the Zipper type and the mathematics of the Zipper. First, I’ll explain the list Zipper: how to make one in F# and what can be done with it. Second, the list zipper will be used as the basis for teaching how to take the derivative of an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). Finally, the derivative operation will be usd to create a Zipper for the binary tree.
The List Zipper
To start with, we’ll skip the math completely and focus just on the F# code: the type and the functions that, combined, form a Zipper. After that, will be how to use the list zipper to interact with a list.
The F# List Zipper
Imagine that you have a slide show deck that you want to represent in F#. You’ll want to be able to move back and forth through the deck as you give your presentation. You also want to be able to change a specific slide as you work on your presentation.
A list makes a good type to represent our slide show, as a first version. However, how can we move back and forth through the deck and how can we swap out slides as we move through the deck? We want a type which stores an ordered set of slides, has a focus on the slide which is being projected to a screen, and has functions for moving the focus to the previous slide, to the next slide, or swapping in a new slide.
The type we just described is the list zipper. And the above paragraph describes all the things the list Zipper needs to have: something which represents the current slide, all the slides before the current slide, all the slides after the current slide, and functions to navigate the slide show. If we take all of those requirements we get this type in F#:
type Zipper<'a> = Zipper of ('a list * 'a * 'a list) with
static member create l =
match l with
| [] -> failwith "oops"
| h :: t -> Zipper ([], h, t)
member z.right () =
match z with
| Zipper(l, z, []) -> Zipper(l, z, [])
| Zipper(l, z, h::rt) -> Zipper(z::l, h, rt)
member z.left () =
match z with
| Zipper([], z, r) -> Zipper([], z, r)
| Zipper(h::lt, z, r) -> Zipper(lt, h, z::r)
member z.update x =
let (Zipper(l, _, r)) = z in Zipper(l, x, r)
This also has a constructor function which takes a list and returns a zipper on that list.
The core of this type is the tuple: 'a list * 'a * 'a list
. The first type represents the list of elements which
precede the cursor. The second type, 'a
, represents the value in the list which the cursor points to. The third
type, 'a list
, represents the list of elements which come after the cursor.
Demonstration of the List Zipper
Start by creating a zipper from a list
let z = Zipper.create [1; 2; 3; 4]
// val z : Zipper<int> = Zipper ([], 1, [2; 3; 4])
The cursor points to the first element in the list, there are no elements to the left of the cursor so that list is empty, and all the other elements are to the right of the cursor so they are in the respective list.
Move the cursor to the right
// val it : Zipper<int> = Zipper ([1], 2, [3; 4])
Calling the right function has returned a new zipper with the cursor now pointing to the second element in the list.
Take the new zipper and move the cursor right one more time
// val it : Zipper<int> = Zipper ([2; 1], 3, [4])
Note that the left list is storing the elements in reverse order. This is becaues when the cursor moves left in a list it is traversing the list in reverse order.
Update the value at the cursor:
it.update -3;;
// val it : Zipper<int> = Zipper ([2; 1], -3, [4])
Move to the left:
// val it : Zipper<int> = Zipper ([1], 2, [-3; 4])
The Math Behind the List Zipper
Here’s an approximate type definition for a list:
type List<'a> = Empty | List of 'a * List<'a>
This type definition is strictly to make how the algebra & calculus behind the list zipper gets derived and to explicitly call out that the list type is, mathematically, a recursive type.
Algebraicly, this List is represented as:
$$L = 1 + a\cdot L$$
The derivative of which is:
\partial_aL &=& L + a\partial_aL \\
\partial_aL(1 - a) &=& L \\
\partial_aL &=& \frac{L}{1 - a} \\
\partial_aL &=& \frac{1 + a + a^2 + a^3…}{1-a} = \frac{(1 + 2a + 3a^2 + …)(1-a)}{1-a} = L^2 \\
If we take $$L^2$$ and convert it to a type we get:
type partial_l = 'a list * 'a list
Which is close to our Zipper type but not quite there.
As explained in Colin McBrides paper on the topic of zippers and type derivatives, we can think of the derivative of a
type as a hole which is poked into the type where the hole represents the cursor. The hole can can take any value of
the type 'a
. We can think of the pair of lists representing where in the list the hole is and the 'a
the value of the hole. In other words, take the derivative of List<'a>
and multiply it by 'a
and you have the
type Zipper = 'a list * 'a * 'a list
Deriving the Binary Tree Zipper
Now that we know how to use differentiation to create the zipper for the List type, let’s use the same technique to create the zipper for a binary tree. This will start with defining a simple type for the binary tree, then evaluating the derivative of the binary tree type, and, finally, converting the result into an F# type.
Here’s the binary tree type we’ll work with:
type Tree<'a> =
| Branch of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
| Empty
We can take this type in represent it mathematically as:
$$T(a) = 1 + a \cdot T^2(a)$$
And taking the derivative we get:
\partial_aT(a) &=& T^2(a) + a \cdot (2 \cdot T(a) \cdot \partial_aT(a)) \\
\partial_aT(a) - 2 \cdot a \cdot T(a) \cdot \partial_aT(a) &=& T^2(a) \\
\partial_aT(a) \cdot (1 - 2 \cdot a \cdot T(a)) &=& T^2(a) \\
\partial_aT(a) &=& \frac{T^2(a)}{1 - 2 \cdot a \cdot T(a)} \\
If we take this result and factor out the $$T^2$$ to get two terms, we get the following:
$$T^2(a) \cdot \left( \frac{1}{1 - 2 \cdot a \cdot T(a)} \right)$$
The second term, $$\frac{1}{1 - 2 \cdot a \cdot T(a)}$$, looks remarkably similar to $$\frac{1}{1-a}$$ which, as we saw in the section about Lists, becomes $$L(a)$$. So the derivative of the tree becomes:
$$\partial_aT(a) = T^2(a) \cdot L(2 \cdot a \cdot T(a))$$
Now, we know that the Zipper is equal to the derivative of the type times $$a$$, which represents the possible values of the focus, this means that our Tree Zipper type will looke like this:
$$a \cdot T^2 \cdot L(2 \cdot a \cdot T)$$
Translating the $$a \cdot T^2$$ to F# is easy, but what does the type in the list, $$2 \cdot a \cdot T$$, represent?
type TreeZipper<'a> = 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> * XXX list
We can take $$2 \cdot a \cdot T$$ and expand it to $$a \cdot T + a \cdot T$$, which tells us that $$XXX$$ is a union of a tuple:
type XXX<'a> =
| A of 'a * Tree<'a>
| B of 'a * Tree<'a>
But what the hell does the list of $$XXX$$ represent and what purpose does it play in the Zipper? Remember, the Zipper
has to have a focus, which tells you the value the cursor points to, a way to move through the type, and a way to go
back. With the List Zipper we can think of right
as moving down the list and left
as reversing, or undoing, the
move. So, with the Tree Zipper, the focus is on a node in the tree and the cursor can be moved down the left or right
branch. When you traverse down several levels in a tree, how do you go back? There must be some record of the branches
of the tree which were skipped. When the cursor is at the root of the tree and moves down the left branch, the zipper
must record the value the cursor pointed to and the right branch. If the cursor moves down a branch again, it must
record the next skipped branch. This is where the $$2 \cdot a \cdot T$$ comes from: $$a \cdot T$$ is the node value
and the skipped branch the branch can be either the left branch or the right branch which makes to possible values
giving us $$2 \cdot a \cdot T$$. It’s a list of $$2 \cdot a \cdot T$$ because each move records the branch which was
Using this new understanding we can define the type XXX
and the TreeZipper as:
type Branch<'a> =
| Left of 'a * Tree<'a>
| Right of 'a * Tree<'a>
type TreeZipper<'a> = 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> * Branch<'a> list
Now we need the functions to satisfy: creating the Tree Zipper, moving down the right branch, moving down the left branch, moving back up the tree, and updating the focus.
type Tree<'a> =
| Branch of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
| Empty
type Branch<'a> =
| Left of 'a * Tree<'a>
| Right of 'a * Tree<'a>
type TreeZipper<'a> = TreeZipper of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> * Branch<'a> list with
static member create t =
match t with
| Empty -> failwith "oops"
| Branch(x, l, r) -> TreeZipper(x, l, r, [])
member tz.left () =
match tz with
| TreeZipper(x, Empty, r, history) -> tz
| TreeZipper(x, Branch(lx, ll, lr), r, history) -> TreeZipper(lx, ll, lr, Right( x, r)::history)
member tz.right () =
match tz with
| TreeZipper(x, l, Empty, history) -> tz
| TreeZipper(x, l, Branch(rx, rl, rr), history) -> TreeZipper(rx, rl, rr, Left( x, l)::history)
member tz.back () =
match tz with
| TreeZipper(_, _, _, []) -> tz
| TreeZipper(x, l, r, Right( hx, hr)::history) -> TreeZipper(hx, Branch(x, l, r), hr, history)
| TreeZipper(x, l, r, Left( hx, hl)::history) -> TreeZipper(hx, hl, Branch(x, l, r), history)
member tz.update x =
let (TreeZipper(_, l, r, history)) = tz in TreeZipper(x, l, r, history)
Tree Zipper Demonstration
Here’s a simple tree from which a Tree Zipper will be created. That TreeZipper will be used to traverse the tree.
let t = Branch(1,
Branch(3, Empty, Empty),
Branch(4, Empty, Empty)),
Branch(6, Empty, Empty),
Branch(7, Empty, Empty)));;
//val t : Tree<int> =
// Branch
// (1,Branch (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty),Branch (4,Empty,Empty)),
// Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)))
let tz = TreeZipper.create t;;
//val tz : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (1,Branch (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty),Branch (4,Empty,Empty)),
// Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)),
// [])
Note how in the TreeZipper, the history list is empty: []
. When we start moving through the tree, this list will get
populated with the paths which were skipped. That is what will allow us to backtrack.
Now move the zipper down the left branch:
tz.left ();;
//val it : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty),Branch (4,Empty,Empty),
// [Right (1,Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)))])
The zipper started at the root of the tree, 1
, and moved down to the left branch node. The zipper is now pointing to
the value 2
and has the leaves 3
and 4
for the left and right branch, respectively. When the zipper is moved down
the left branch, the node it was pointing to and the skipped branch are pushed into the history list. This is stored as
, because it’s the right branch, the parent node, 1
, and finally the value of the right branch subtree.
Now the cursor is moved down the right branch:
//val it : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (4,Empty,Empty,
// [Left (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty));
// Right (1,Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)))])
Now we move down the right branch of the node 2
which puts the cursor at the left 3
. The history list as been
prepended with the cursor’s previous position the node 2
and the left branch of that node.
Update the value of the cursor:
it.update -4;;
//val it : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (-4,Empty,Empty,
// [Left (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty));
// Right (1,Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)))])
With that leaf updated, time to move back to to the root of the tree:
it.back ();;
//val it : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty),Branch (-4,Empty,Empty),
// [Right (1,Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)))])
The back operation is pretty straight forward. Take the head of the history list, in this case Left (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty))
This is the Left branch, so the cursor is now pointed to 2
the branch from the history is put in the left Branch slot
and the branch that the zipper was pointing to, Branch (-4,Empty,Empty)
, is put in the right Branch slot.
The process is repeated when we move back again to get to the tree’s root. Only this time, we are pulling the Left branch from the history list:
//val it : TreeZipper<int> =
// TreeZipper
// (1,Branch (2,Branch (3,Empty,Empty),Branch (-4,Empty,Empty)),
// Branch (5,Branch (6,Empty,Empty),Branch (7,Empty,Empty)),[])
Now this update function only allows the updating of the value of a node. It wouldn’t be much work to add an update function which allows replacing the cursor with a whole new subtree.
There’s a lot of room for how the algebraic representation of a type is converted to it’s concrete F# equivalent.
For example, the Branch
type from the binary that is used in the Zipper history list:
type Branch<'a> =
| Left of 'a * Tree<'a>
| Right of 'a * Tree<'a>
type TreeZipper<'a> = 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> * Branch<'a> list
Could also be written as:
type Branch<'a> =
| Left of Tree<'a>
| Right of Tree<'a>
type TreeZipper<'a> = 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> * ('a * Branch<'a>) list
In algebraic terms, we could think of this being equivalent to $$a \cdot (2 \cdot T(a))$$. The two interpretations of the
algebraic type are equivalent, mathematically, but the second interpretation may be the superior. It clearly separates
the parent node from the branch: it’s the value 'a
with it’s left or right branch. Whereas the previous interpretation
is read as: the right or left branch and it’s parent value is 'a
Further Reading
A few blog posts about ADTs and calculus (in particular, this article from Joel Burget and this series from Chris Taylor) helped clarify how the zipper works.