RabbitMQ and F# - Part 4
In my previous post, I made my RabbitMQ client library a bit more functional by removing the Queue record type and replacing it with higher order functions. These higher order functions are used for creating functions for reading/writing queues. If you want to use “MyQueue” for writing, you use the “writeTo” higher order function to create a function for writing to “MyQueue”. It’s sounds more complex than it really is.
I did that because I mentioned two things about my initial effort which bothered me: it wasn’t functional enough and it didn’t support RabbitMQ consumers. I got the first taken care of. Now I am going to get the second.
I will follow the same higher order function approach:
let createQueueConsumer channel queueName =
let consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel)
channel.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer) |> ignore
fun () ->
let ea = consumer.Queue.Dequeue()
let body = ea.Body
This will take a channel and a queue name, then return a function which will return one message from the consumer queue.
The complete source code up until now:
namespace RabbitMQ.FSharp
open RabbitMQ.Client
open RabbitMQ.Client.Events
open System.Text
module Client =
type Queue = { Name: string; Read: unit -> string option; Publish: string -> unit }
let openConnection address =
let factory = new ConnectionFactory(HostName = address)
// I need to declare the type for connection because F# can't infer types on classes
let openChannel (connection:IConnection) = connection.CreateModel()
let declareQueue (channel:IModel) queueName = channel.QueueDeclare( queueName, false, false, false, null )
let readFromQueue (channel:IModel) queueName =
declareQueue channel queueName |> ignore
fun () ->
let ea = channel.BasicGet(queueName, true)
if ea <> null then
let body = ea.Body
let message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body)
Some message
let publishToQueue (channel:IModel) queueName (message:string) =
declareQueue channel queueName |> ignore
let body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)
channel.BasicPublish("", queueName, null, body)
let createQueueFuntions channel =
(readFromQueue channel, publishToQueue channel)
let createQueueConsumer channel queueName =
let consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel)
channel.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer) |> ignore
fun () ->
let ea = consumer.Queue.Dequeue()
let body = ea.Body